SSC Stenographer Exam 2024
SSC Stenographer Exam 2024

SSC Stenographer Exam 2024: Seize the Opportunity!

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)

Total Vacancy


Notification No.

F.No.: E/ 7/2024-C- 2 SECTION (E- 9267)

SSC Stenographer Exam 2024: Short Description

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)

SSC Stenographer Exam 2024 Notification. The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the notification for the Stenographer Grade C & D Examination 2024. Interested candidates can apply online from 26/ 07/ 2024 to 17/ 08/ 2024. Please read the notification for details on eligibility, post information, selection procedure, pay scale, and other relevant information.

SSC Stenographer Exam 2024: Important Dates and Application Fee

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)

Application Begin 26/07/2024
Last date for apply online 17/ 08/ 2024 up to 23.00 Hrs.
Fee Payment Last date 18/08/2024
Correction date 27 to 28 August  2024
Admit card To be notified later
Examination date Oct-Nov 2024
Application Fee
General, OBC, and EWS ₹100/-
SC/  ST / PH/ Female Nil
Correction charge ₹200/-
Mode of fee application Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net banking, UPI mode only

SSC Stenographer Exam 2024: Posts, Vacancy, Age Limit, Pay Scale and Qualification Details

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)

Post Vacancy Qualification



Passed 10+ 2 Intermediate Exam from any recognized board in India.

Stenographer Group C Transcription:

1. English: 40 minutes

2. Hindi: 55 minutes



Passed 10+ 2 Intermediate Exam from any recognized board in India.

Stenographer Group D Transcription:

1. English: 50 minutes

2. Hindi: 65 minutes

·         Salary: Group C: ₹51000/-, Group D: ₹36000/-
·         Age limit for Grade C: 18 to 30 years, & Grade D: 18 to 27 Years.
·         Age relaxation is extra, as per norms.
·         Cut-off date for age calculation: 01/ 08/ 2024

SSC Stenographer Exam 2024: Mode of Selection

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)

Mode of Selection

1. Minimum Qualifying Marks in Computer-Based Examination:

  1. UR: 30%
  2. OBC/ EWS: 25%
  3. All Other Categories: 20%

2. Post Indication:

  • Indicate the posts applying for stenographer Grade ‘C’, Stenographer Grade ‘D’, or both.

3. Shortlisting for the Skill Test:

  • Candidates will be shortlisted based on computer-based Examination scores, category-wise, for the Skill Test(s) for the applied post(s).

4. Skill Test:

  • The Skill Test is mandatory but qualifying in nature. The Commission will set category-wise qualifying standards.

5. Final Selection:

  • Based on Computer- Based Examination performance and post/ department preferences. Once allotted a preference, no changes are allowed.

6. Preference Irreversibility:

  • Preferences are final and irreversible. Ensure careful selection of posts/ departments.

7. Post Allotment:

  • The final allotment is based on merit and preferences. Failure to meet specific standards results in rejection without consideration for other preferences.

8. Reservation Handling:

  • Reserved category candidates selected on their merit will be placed in unreserved vacancies.

9. Relaxed Standards:

  • Candidates qualifying on relaxed standards are counted against reserved vacancies.

10. PwBD Selection:

  • PwBD candidates selected on their merit can be appointed to unreserved vacancies if the post is suitable.

11. Appointment Conditions:

  • Success in the exam does not guarantee the appointment. Suitability checks are conducted.

12. Eligibility Verification:

  • Ensure all eligibility conditions are met— non-fulfillment at any stage results in cancellation.

13. Probation Period:

  • Selected candidates undergo a two-year probation with required training or exams for confirmation.

14. All India Service Liability:

  • Candidates are liable to serve anywhere in India.

15. Local language proficiency:

  • You may be required to learn the local language of the allotted State/ UT/ Zone for confirmation.

16. Result Representation:

  • If disqualified despite scoring above the cut-off, represent to the Regional Office within two months.

17. Post-Selection Communication:

  • Contact the concerned department if no correspondence is received within one year after the final result declaration.

18. Final Result:

  • The final result is declared once, with no further nominations or waiting lists.

19. No Waiting List:

  • There is no waiting list or reserve list after the final result declaration.

SSC Stenographer Exam 2024: How  to Apply

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)

How to Apply

1. Online Application Submission:

  • Applications must be submitted online at Refer to Annexure – III and Annexure – IV for detailed instructions. Sample forms are in Annexure – IIIA and Annexure – IVA.

2. One-Time Registration (OTR):

  • Generate OTR on the new website Previous OTRs from the old website will not be valid. Follow Annexure III for detailed instructions. Once generated, OTR will be valid for all future exams on the new website.

3. Photograph Requirements:

  • No pre-existing photo is needed. The application module captures the live photo. Follow these steps:
    1. Find good lighting and a plain background.
    2. Ensure the camera is at eye level.
    3. Position yourself directly in front of the camera and look straight ahead.
    4. Fit your face fully within the red rectangular area.
    5. Avoid wearing caps, masks, or glasses.

4. Photo Appearance:

    • Ensure the photo in the application matches your appearance during the exam. No caps, glasses, or unclear photos are allowed. Pre-existing photo uploads will be rejected.

5. Photo Verification:

    • Verify the photo before submitting. Applications with incorrect photos will be rejected.

6. Signature Upload:

    • Upload a scanned signature in JPEG/ JPG format (10 to 20 KB). Dimensions: 6.0 cm (width) x  2.0 cm (height). Blurred or inappropriate signatures will be rejected.

7. Application Deadline:

  • Submit online applications by 17- 08- 2024 (23:00).

8. Early Submission:

  • Submit applications early to avoid last-minute issues due to high website traffic.

9. Responsibility Disclaimer:

  • The Commission is not responsible for application submission failures due to technical issues or other reasons beyond its control.

10. Final Check:

  • Use the Preview/ Print option to ensure all details are correct. Check that the photograph and signature meet the requirements. Keep a copy of the application.

SSC Stenographer Exam 2024: General Instructions

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)

Important Instructions to Candidates

1. Before Applying:

  • Carefully read the instructions in the Notice of Examination available in English and Hindi. In case of a dispute, the English version prevails.

2. Submitting Applications:

  • Submit online applications well before the closing date to avoid technical issues due to heavy traffic.

3. One-Time Registration (OTR):

  • Candidates who haven’t generated their OTR on the new website

( must do so. The old website 

( OTR is no longer functional.

4. Provisional Acceptance:

  • Applications are accepted provisionally. Eligibility will be verified later. Ensure you meet the qualifications, experience, age, and other criteria.

5. Reservation Claims:

  • Ensure you are eligible for SC/ ST/ OBC/ EWS/ PwBD/ ESM reservations and possess the necessary certificates.

6. Fee Details:

  • Application fee: ₹ 100. Women, SC, ST, ESM eligible for reservation, and PwBD are exempted.

7. Application Corrections:

  • After the closing date, a 2-day correction window is available. A fee applies for corrections.

8. Photograph & Signature:

  • Capture a clear photo using the application module. Upload a clear signature in JPEG/ JPG format (10 to 20 KB).

9. Email & Mobile Number:

  • Provide a correct and active email address and mobile number for correspondence.

10. Aadhaar Verification:

  • Aadhaar data may be used for verification.

11. Exam Day Requirements:

  • Bring two recent passport-size photos, original photo ID proof, and additional documents if necessary.

12. Post Preferences:

  • Indicate preferences for posts and departments online before the final result.

13. Service Liability:

  • All posts have All India Service Liability (AISL).

14. Result Communication:

  • If selected and no correspondence is received within one year, contact the concerned user department immediately.

15. Declaration:

  • Carefully review and agree to the declaration at the end of the application form. Misrepresentation will lead to the cancellation of candidature.

16. Regular Updates:

  • Check the SSC website ( and regional office websites regularly for updates.

Important Links

01 Official Website
02 Apply
03 Notification
04 Admit Card
05 Result

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