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DSSSB Various Posts Recruitment


Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board
(DSSB), Delhi

Advertisement No.

03/2023 Dated: 10/11/2023

Total Vacancies


Short Description

DSSSB Various Posts Recruitment 2023

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSB), Delhi

DSSSB Various Posts Recruitment 2023 Notification. The Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board (DSSSB) has recently issued a recruitment notification (Advt No 03/2023) for various positions, including Special Education Teacher, Warden, Pharmacist, Manager, Nurse, ASO, Attendant, and more. If you are eager to pursue a career in Delhi and meet the required eligibility criteria, you can submit your application online between November 21, 2023, and December 20, 2023. To ensure you qualify for the positions, carefully review the advertisement for details on eligibility, age limits, selection procedures, syllabus, pay scale, and other pertinent information related to the recruitment process. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to join the DSSSB team – apply now!

Important Dates & Application Fee

DSSSB Various Posts Recruitment 2023

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSB), Delhi
Application Start Date


Application Last Date


Last date for Fee



Complete form last date


Admit Card

To be notified Later

Exam Date

To be notified Later

Exam Result

To be notified Later

Application Fee


ST/SC/PH/Female all



Pay through

Credit Card, Debit Card,

Netbanking, mode only

Post Vacancies, Age Limit, and Pay Scale

DSSSB Various Posts Recruitment 2023

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSB), Delhi

Post Code

Post Vacancy



72/23 Pharmacist (Homeopathy) 42 10+2 with Science and

Diploma in Homeopathy


Age 18-27 Year

73/23 Technical Assistant (Lab Group III) Cardiology/  CTS/  Neurology/ Neurosurgery/  Respiratory Lab/ EEG/ EMG/ ERG/ CCU/  ICU/  POW/  and CCI 15 B.Sc. with 3 years of


10+2 with MLT Diploma and

3 years of experience

10+2 with Science and

5 years of experience

Age Limit: 21-30 years.

74/23 Junior Radiotherapy Technician 2 10+2 with Science and a

2-year certificate course in Radiation Therapy Technology

or equivalent

OR B.Sc. in Radiotherapy

Age Limit: 18-27 years.

75/23 Technical Assistant Group IV in PCR Hepatitis 1 M.Sc. in Microbiology/

Biotech/ Biochem/Life Sciences with 1 year of experience

OR B.Sc. in MLT

/Bioscience with 3 years

of experience

OR 10+2 in Biosciences

with MLT and 5 years of experience

Age Limit: 18-27 years.

76/23 Sub-Station Attendant (Grade II) (Reserved for Male) 90 Class 10th with Science

and ITI Certificate in

Electrician with 1 year of experience

Maximum Age: 27 years.

77/23 Asstt. Electric Fitter 53 Diploma in Electrical Engineering with 1 year of experience

OR ITI Certificate in

Electrical with 2 years of experience

Age Limit: 18-27 years.

78/23 Junior Dirict Staff Officer/ Junior Instructor (Home Guard)/ Instructor Civil defense 12 Class 10th with training

in Civil Instructor Course/Rescue Fire

Fighting Course

Age Limit: 18-37 years.

79/23 Draftsman 1 ·  Class 10th with a Diploma/Certificate in Draftsmanship Course

· Age Limit: 20-32 years.

80/23 Wireless/ Radio Operators 1 Minimum educational requirement: Class 10th

Matric Certification: Second Class Certificate Competency as a Wireless Operator

Age Limit:

Minimum age: 18 years

Maximum age: 32 years

81/23 Scientific Assistant 1 Master’s Degree in Science from any recognized

university in India.

Age Limit:

Maximum Age: 30 years.

82/23 Senior Laboratory Assistant 3 Educational Requirement: Bachelor’s Degree in


Work Experience: Minimum

of 2 years of laboratory

work experience.

Age Limit:

Minimum Age: 18 years

Maximum Age: 27 years.

83/23 Junior Lab Assistant 7 Educational Requirement:

Class 12th with Science

Stream and 3 years of experience.

Alternatively, a Bachelor’s Degree in Science.

Age Limit:

Minimum Age: 18 years

Maximum Age: 27 years.

84/23 Preservation Supervisor 1 Educational Requirement: Bachelor’s Degree.

Additional Certification: Certificate Course in

Care and Conservation of Books, Manuscripts, and Archives.

Age Limit:

Minimum Age: 18 years

Maximum Age: 27 years.

85/23 Asstt. Microphotographist 1 Educational Requirement: Bachelor’s Degree in

Science (B.Sc.) with a specialization in Physics.

Additional Certification: Certificate Course in Reprography.

Age Limit:

Minimum Age: 18 years

Maximum Age: 27 years.

86/23 Xerox Operator 1 Educational Requirement: Passed the 10+2

Intermediate Examination

from any recognized

board in India.

Age Limit:

Minimum Age: 18 years

Maximum Age: 27 years.

87/23 Junior Librarian 1 Educational Requirement: Passed the 10+2

Intermediate Examination

with a Diploma in Library

and Information Science

from any recognized Board /Institute in India.

Age Limit:

Minimum Age: 18 years

Maximum Age: 27 years.

88/23 Book Binder 2 ITI Certificate in Book

Binding Trade.

Age Limit:

Minimum Age: 18 years

Maximum Age: 27 years.

89/23 Library Attendant 1 Educational Requirement: Passed the 10th Matric Examination with a

Certificate course in

Library and Information Science

Minimum Age: 18 years

Maximum Age: 27 years.

90/23 Nurse Gr-A 90 Passed the 10 Matric Examination with a

Diploma in General

Nursing from any

recognized Board /

Institute in India and

registered in the Nurses Council.

Age Limit:

Minimum Age: 18 years

Maximum Age: 32 years.

91/23 Special Education Teacher 22 Completed Bachelor’s

degree with specialization

in B.Ed OR holds a B.Ed

degree along with a 2-year diploma in Special

Education OR possesses a Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education.

Successfully passed the

CTET Class 6-8 Exam.

Maximum age limit:

30 years.

92/23 Architectural Asstt. 6 Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Engineering.

Age Limit 18 -32 Years.

93/23 Physiotherapist 5 Degree/ Diploma in Physiotherapy and 2 Year Experience.

Age;- 18-32 Year.

94/23 Asstt. Dietician 1 B.Sc Degree with 1 Year diploma in Dietetics.

Age Limit;- 18- 32 Years.

95/23 Radiographer 5 Class 10th Matric with

Diploma in Radiography

and 1 Year Experience.

Age Limit; 18-32 Years.

96/23 Computer Lab / IT Asstt. 22 Educational Requirement: Passed the 10+2

Intermediate Examination

from any recognized board

in India. And passed the A Level Exam.

8000 Key Depression per


Age Limit:

Maximum Age: 27 years.

97/23 Operation Theatre Asstt. 7 Class 10th Matrc with 1 Year Experience.

Age Limit: 18-34 Years.

98/23 Dental Hygienist 3 Class 10th Matric with

Science and Registered in Dental Hygienist.

Age Lim; 18- 30 Year.

99/23 OT Asstt. For Veterinary Hospital 1 Matric with 1 Year Exp Or Middle School pass with

3 Year Exp.

Age limit: 18-32 years.

100/23 Plaster Asstt. 1 Matric with 1 Year Exp Or Middle School pass with

3 Year Exp.

Age limit: 18-32 years.

101/23 Asstt. Section Officer 13 Bachelor’s Degree in Arts/ Science/ Commerce/ Agriculture.

Max Age: 30 Years.

102/23 Foreman (Works) 2 Class 10th Passed with ITI Certificate in Draftsman Civil.

Age Limit: 18-27 Years.

103/23 Laboratory Attendant 37 Class 10thPassed from Any recognized Board in India.

Age Limit:- 18-27 Years.

104/23 Chlorinator Operator 7 Completed Class 10th

(Matric) with Science and a minimum of 3 years of

relevant experience OR

holds an ITI Certificate in Instrumentation/

Mechanical Trade after Matriculation,

along with at least 1

year of experience.

Age limit: 18-27 years.

105/23 Scientific Assistant (Chemistry) 7 Holds a Master’s Degree in Chemistry, Toxicology, or Forensic Science, with Chemistry as one of the subjects at the B.Sc level. Age limit: 18-27 years.
106/23 Assistant Information Officer 3 Completed a Bachelor’s Degree in any stream and possesses a Diploma/PG Diploma in Journalism,

Mass Communication, Advertising, and Public Relations OR holds a

Degree in Journalism/

Mass Communication

with a minimum of 1

year of experience.

Maximum age limit: 30 years.

107/23 Manager 20 Bachelor’s Degree in any stream with minimum 50% marks.

Age Limit:- 30 Years.

108/23 Work Assistant (Horticulture) 3 10+2 Intermediate with Botany as a subject with 2 Years Experience.

Age:- 18- 27 Years.

109/23 Draftsman Gr-III 7 Holds a Certificate/Diploma in Draftsmanship and has undergone practical training for a duration of 2 years, including a 6-month hands-on experience.

Age limit: 18-27 years.

110/23 Librarian 1  Completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science, along with a minimum of 2 years of relevant experience.

Age limit: 18-30 years.

111/23 Assistant Superintendent 19 Completed a Bachelor’s Degree in any stream from a recognized university in India.

For PET details, refer to the notification.

Age limit: 18-27 years.

112/23 Matron (Reserved for Female only) 62  Successfully passed the 10+2 Intermediate Exam from any recognized board in India.

For PET details, please refer to the notification.

Age limit: 18-27 years.

113/23 Warder (reserved for Males only) 271 Successfully passed the 10+2 Intermediate Exam from any recognized board in India.

For PET details, please refer to the notification.

Age limit: 18-27 years.

114/23 Senior Scientific Assistant (Chemistry) 5  Holds a Master’s Degree in Chemistry, Pharmacy, or Biochemistry with a minimum of 1 year of experience OR possesses a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy/Science with at least 3 years of experience.

Maximum age limit: 30 years.

115/23 Electrical Overseer/ Sub Inspector 8 Diploma in Electrical Engineering from any recognized board in India.

Age Limit:- 18-27 Years.

Total 863

How to Apply

DSSSB Various Posts Recruitment 2023

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSB), Delhi
How to Apply:

1.       Ensure registration on DSSSB’s portal at Registration instructions are available on the Board’s website, and it’s a one-time process. Use the generated user ID and password for all future applications. Multiple registrations may lead to cancellation of candidature.

2.       Eligible candidates can apply online at from 21/11/2023 to 20/12/2023 (till 11:59 PM). The link will be disabled after the deadline.

3.       Carefully read the INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLYING ONLINE while filling out the application form.

4.       Submit applications online only; no other mode will be accepted (post/hand/mail). Applications received through other modes will be rejected.

5.       To avoid last-minute issues, submit applications well before the closing date. DSSSB is not responsible for delays beyond the stipulated time.

6.      Check and ensure accurate details in each field before submitting. Once submitted, no requests for changes/modifications, including category changes, will be entertained under any circumstances. Requests through Post, Fax, Email, by hand, etc., will not be entertained.

General Instructions for Candidates:

1.       The advertised vacancies may vary (increase or decrease), and the Board is not liable to compensate applicants if the vacancy position changes. Vacancies for PH/PwBD candidates are subject to variation as per the RPwD Act, 2016.

2.       DSSSB reserves the right to cancel or modify the advertisement at any stage.

3.       Examination centers will be in Delhi/NCR only.

4.       The Board may cancel or modify the examination process due to administrative reasons or irregularities/malpractice. Candidates may be shifted to another center if required.

5.       Final results will be based on Recruitment Rules, DoPT guidelines, Examination Schemes, and prevailing GNCTD and GOI guidelines.

6.       The Board can change the examination scheme before the exam if required.

7. The candidate’s candidature is provisional and subject to legal outcomes. Mere issuance of an Admit Card or appearance at the examination does not guarantee a claim for the post.

8.       Use of electronic devices, calculators, laptops, etc., is not allowed in the examination center.

9.       Any candidate found with unauthorized items will be debarred from the exam, and legal proceedings may be initiated.

10.   Candidates should adhere to the prescribed dress code during the DSSSB Exam.

11.   In case of discrepancies among English, Hindi, Urdu, and Punjabi versions, the English version will be considered final.

12.  Any notifications or corrigenda will be posted on the Board’s website.


 Notification  Admit Card


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