Haryana HSSC Teacher Recruitment 2024
Haryana HSSC Teacher Recruitment 2024

Haryana HSSC Teacher Recruitment 2024: Grab the Opportunity!

Sarkari Result 2024, Sarkari Naukri 2024

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)

Total Vacancy


Notification No.

05/2024, Date: 09/08/2024

Haryana HSSC Teacher Recruitment 2024: Short Description

Sarkari Result 2024, Sarkari Naukri 2024

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
Haryana HSSC Teacher Recruitment 2024 Notification. Online applications are now being accepted for the direct recruitment of 1,456 Primary Teacher positions in the Mewat Cadre (Group-C Services). Interested candidates can apply through the Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) website at http://adv52024.hryssc.in/ StaticPages/ HomePage.aspx from August 12, 2024, to August 21, 2024, until 11:59 P.M. After this period, the application link will be deactivated. This recruitment is announced under Advt No. 05/2024. For details on eligibility, post information, selection procedure, practice tests, pay scale, and other relevant information, please refer to the official notification.

Haryana HSSC Teacher Recruitment 2024: Important Dates and Application Fee

Sarkari Result 2024, Sarkari Naukri 2024

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
Application Begin 12/08/2024
Last Date for Apply Online 21/08/2024 up to 11.59 PM
Fee Payment Last date 23/08/2024 up to 11.59 PM
Admit Card To be notified later
Examination Date To be notified later
Application Fee
Male: General, EWS, or Other states ₹150/-
Haryana reserve category ₹35/-
Female: General/ EWS ₹75/-
Haryana reserve category ₹18/-
Mode of Fee Application Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net banking, UPI mode only

Haryana HSSC Teacher Recruitment 2024: Posts, Vacancy, Age Limit, Pay Scale and Qualification Details

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)

Primary Teacher (Mewat Cadre)


·  Senior Secondary (or equivalent) with at least 50% marks and a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education.

·  Senior Secondary (or equivalent) with at least 45% marks and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education as per NCTE Regulations 2002.

·   Senior Secondary (or equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.).

·  Senior Secondary (or equivalent) with at least 50% marks and a 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Education).

·  B.A., B.Sc./ B.Com. with a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education.

·  Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET) or School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET).

·  Matric with Hindi or Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A./ M.A. with Hindi as a subject.

·         Pay Scale: Rs. 35400–112400/-
·         Age limit: 18 to 42 years.
·         Age relaxation is extra, as per norms.

Haryana HSSC Teacher Recruitment 2024: How  to Apply

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)

Sarkari Result 2024, Sarkari Naukri 2024
1. Read the instructions carefully before filling out the online application, and verify all details after printing the form. Upload all documents before final submission.

2. Apply well before the deadline. Ensure all details are correct, as no changes will be allowed after the closing date. Requests for modifications post-deadline will not be entertained.

3. Fill in all the details on the online application form. Save the Registration No. and Password for future reference. Protect your password, as you are responsible for its security.

4. After applying, take a final printout of the form and e-Challan/ fee pay receipt for your records.

5. Bring the hard copy of the application and uploaded documents when requested by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC). HSSC will not accept documents not uploaded but may request additional papers if needed.

6. No changes to the application form will be accepted after submission.

7. Offline or downloaded application forms will not be accepted.

8. Applications will be rejected if qualifications or eligibility conditions are not met by the cutoff date. All documents related to qualifications and experience must be up-to-date as of the application deadline.

9. Physical document verification is done only during the document scrutiny phase, not at the time of online application submission.

Haryana HSSC Teacher Recruitment 2024: Documents to  be uploaded

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)

Sarkari Result 2024, Sarkari Naukri 2024
1. Scanned copy of Essential Academic Qualifications and Matriculation Certificate (showing Date of Birth).

2. Scanned copy of SC/ BCA/ BCB/ ESM/ PwD certificates, and eligibility certificates for family members of ESM and children or grandchildren of Freedom Fighters.

3.  Scanned photograph.

4.  Scanned signature.

5. Scanned copies of higher qualifications, and experience documents, if applicable.

6. Haryana Bonafide Resident certificate, if applicable.

7. EWS certificate as per Annexure-IV.

8. Discharge Certificate or Book, if applicable (for ESM).

9. Eligibility certificate for family members of ESM.

10. Eligibility and Disability certificates for Dependents of Disabled ESM.

11. Certificate for children or grandchildren of Freedom Fighters.

12. Experience Certificate for Age Relaxation as per Annexure-III.

Haryana HSSC Teacher Recruitment 2024: General Instructions

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)

1. The Commission may adjust the number or distribution of posts until the recommendation date based on demand changes.

2. Persons with disabilities selected on merit can be appointed to unreserved vacancies if the post is suitable and they haven’t used relaxation benefits.

3. Passing the examination doesn’t guarantee an appointment; suitability is subject to further government checks.

4. OMR sheets include original, Commission, and Candidate copies. Do not mark the Commission copy; avoid using pencils or erasers to prevent cancellations.

5. Candidates are ranked in open, General or vertical categories based on final merit, not preliminary stages if no benefits or relaxations were taken.

6. Read the full advertisement, as all applicants are bound by its terms after submission.

7. Posts are advertised under various reservation categories with specific eligibility conditions as per government instructions; the Commission does not influence these.

8. ESM Category candidates follow Haryana Government guidelines, while other reserved categories follow relevant departmental instructions. Service Rules take precedence over other guidelines.

9. Only rules and instructions effective on the cutoff date apply.

10. Candidates should review the advertisement and rules thoroughly before applying to avoid disputes.

11. Fill out the application form carefully, and upload complete and correctly scanned documents, including both sides if applicable.

12. Only uploaded documents will be considered for qualification and reservation criteria.

13. Eligibility qualifications are determined based on the last date for online applications.

14. Claims for vertical reservation require documentary proof; otherwise, candidates will be considered General category.

15. Claims under horizontal reservation need documentary proof; otherwise, candidates will be considered under their main category.

16. All recruitment notices are posted on the website. Check regularly for updates, as no individual notifications will be sent.

17. Candidates must hold the required qualifications by the cutoff date. Equivalency certificates must be uploaded and will be validated by experts.

18. Read the admit card terms carefully. Smudged or scratched answer sheets are not evaluated.

19. OMR sheets are evaluated by computer software; no manual re-evaluation is allowed.

20. Retain copies of the advertisement, application, documents, admit card, and other materials. RTI requests for these will not be entertained.

21. Answer keys will be posted online. Objections must be filed within the specified period and fee. Final decisions are made by the Chief Examiner.

22. Recruitment records are kept electronically and can be provided under RTI in the specified formats. No third-party or pre-selection information will be given.

23. Submit both old and new documents if renewals or re-issues are needed at the document scrutiny stage.

24. If the exam is held in multiple shifts, normalization methods may be applied.

25. Degrees or certificates from institutions deemed fake or unrecognized by UGC or Haryana Government are ineligible for recruitment.

Important Links

01 Official Website
02 Apply
03 Notification & Syllabus
04 Admit Card
05 Result

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