HPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2024
HPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2024

HPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2024: Grab the Opportunity!

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)

The application portal for the HPSC Assistant Professor Vacancy 2024 will be reopened from 06/11/2024 until 5:00 PM on 12/11/2024. 

Dear visitors, please share your feedback in the comment section at the end of this page. Your input helps us improve the quality of our job postings. Thank you!

Total Vacancy


Notification No.

Advt No. 42/2024 to 67/2024, Date: 02/08/2024

HPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2024: Short Description

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)

HPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2024 Notification. The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has released the notification for the position of Assistant Professor in various subjects under Advt No. 42/2024 to 67/2024. Interested candidates can apply online for the HPSC Assistant Professor Vacancy 2024 from August 7, 2024, to August 27, 2024. For detailed information on recruitment eligibility, post details, the selection process, practice tests, pay scale, and more, please refer to the official notification.

HPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2024: Important Dates and Application Fee

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)

Application Begin 07/08/2024


Last Date for Apply Online 27/08/2024 up to 5.00 PM

12/11/2024 up to 5.00 PM

Fee Payment Last date 27/08/2024


Admit Card To be notified later
Examination Date To be notified later
Application Fee
General (Male) ₹1000/-
Haryana Reserve /Female ₹250/-
PH Nil
Mode of Fee Application Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net banking, UPI mode only

HPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2024: Posts, Vacancy, Age Limit, Pay Scale and Qualification Details

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)

HPSC Haryana Assistant Professor Eligibility Qualification
Assistant Professor (Various subjects)


· Master’s degree in the relevant subject with a minimum of 55% marks from any recognized university in India.

· Proficiency in Hindi or Sanskrit up to the 10th standard.

·  Passed the UGC NET/SLET/SET exam in the relevant subject or hold a Ph.D./M.Phil.

·  For detailed eligibility criteria for each subject, please refer to the official notification.

·         Pay Scale – Rs. 57700-182400/-
·         Age limit: 21 to 42 years.
·         Age relaxation is extra as per norms.
·         Cut –off date for age calculation: 15/07/2024

HPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2024: Subject-wise Posts

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)

Subject wise Posts

HPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2024: How  to Apply

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)

Candidates must apply online at http://hpsc.gov.in. Detailed instructions for filling out online applications are available on the website. No other means or modes of application submission will be accepted.

  1. Register online by visiting regn.hpsc.gov.in directly or through http://hpsc.gov.in to submit your application form.
  2. After registration, a login ID will be created. Use this ID to complete the registration process.
  3. Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP), Aadhar No., and Virtual ID (VID) are required for Aadhar authentication during biometric attendance.
  4. After completing registration, apply for the advertisement according to your qualifications.
  5. Submit the duly filled application form only after paying the requisite fee.
  6. After payment, please print out the application form, check and sign it, and then upload it.
  7. The application process is complete only after the duly signed application form is submitted.

For more information, visit http://hpsc.gov.in.

HPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2024: General Instructions

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)

General Instructions:

1. The use of mobile phones (even switched-off), electronic equipment, programmable devices, storage media (like pen drives, and smartwatches), cameras, Bluetooth devices, or any communication devices during the examination is strictly prohibited. Violation will result in disciplinary action, including a ban from future exams.

2. If a candidate smudges/ scratches any part of the OMR/ Answer Sheet with an eraser, nail, blade, white fluid/whitener, etc., their answer sheet and candidature will be canceled. The candidate is solely responsible for this.

3. Candidates are advised not to bring banned items, including mobile phones, to the examination venue as no arrangements for safekeeping are provided. The commission is not responsible for any loss.

4. Do not bring valuable/ costly items to the examination venue as their safekeeping cannot be assured. The commission is not responsible for any loss.

5. Ensure identical signatures on the application form, attendance list, other documents, and all correspondence with the commission. Variations in signatures may lead to the cancellation of candidature.

6. No candidate will be admitted to the examination without an Admit Card issued by the commission.

7. Success in the examination does not guarantee the appointment. The government will conduct necessary inquiries to determine the candidate’s suitability for the appointment.

8. Ensure all provided information is true. False information or claims may lead to rejection of candidature and a ban from future examinations or selections by the commission.

9. The commission’s decisions regarding application acceptance/ rejection, candidate eligibility/ suitability, selection mode, criteria, etc., are final and binding. No inquiries or correspondence will be entertained regarding these matters.

HPSC Assistant Professor Exam 2024: Special Instructions

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)

Special Instructions for Submitting Applications:
  1. Read Instructions: Carefully read the instructions and procedures before filling out the Online Application Form. Ensure all details are correct and upload all required documents before submission.

2. Complete Details: Fill in all required details. Incomplete or defective forms will be rejected without consideration.

3. Accurate Information: Accurately fill in personal details such as name, parent’s name, date of birth, category, qualifications, marks, passing year, photo, signature, etc. No changes will be allowed after submission.

4. Responsibility for Mistakes: Candidates are responsible for any mistakes. If errors are made, submit a new application with a fresh fee before the closing date (27/08/2024).

5. Single Application Submission: Submit only one application. If multiple applications are submitted, only the one with the highest application number will be considered. Fees from one application cannot be transferred to another.

6. Upload Signed Form: Submit/upload the signed application form after verifying details. Failure to do so will result in rejection.

7. Printout of Application: After submission, take a printout of the application form. Bring the hard copy and all uploaded documents when requested by the commission.

8. Eligibility Conditions: Applications from candidates who do not meet the qualifications or eligibility conditions by the closing date (27/08/2024) will be rejected.

9. Required Documents to Upload:

·  Scanned photo with the candidate’s signature.

·  Scanned signatures.

·  Scanned copies of mark sheets and degrees (10th, 12th, graduation, post-graduation, M.Phil, Ph.D.).

·  Scanned copy of NET/ JRF/ SET/ SLET certificate (if applicable).

·  Scanned copy of SC certificate (Haryana).

·  Scanned copy of BC-A/ BC-B certificate (issued in 2024-25).

·  Scanned copy of EWS certificate (valid for 2024-25).

·  Scanned copy of valid DESM certificate (2024-25).

·  Scanned copy of valid ESM/ DFF certificate.

·  Scanned copy of PwBD certificate.

·  Scanned copy of Aadhar card.

·  Scanned copy of Parivar Pehchan Patra (if availing reservation benefits).

·  Scanned copy of Haryana domicile certificate.

· Scanned proof of working on adhoc/ contract/ work-charged/ daily wages basis in any Haryana Government Department/ Board/ Corporation (if claiming age relaxation).

·  Scanned proof of working as a teacher in the Education Department (if claiming age relaxation up to 50 years).

· Scanned proof of being first class in university in M.A or M.Sc. (if claiming relaxation in good academic criteria).

·  Scanned certificate regarding the Ph.D. degree meeting UGC regulations (2009 or 2016).

·  Scanned certificate from the Head Master or Principal of the school certifying the matriculation exam was passed from a rural school in Haryana, countersigned by the Block Education Officer and Block Development & Panchayat Officer (if claiming a 5% marks relaxation in the Master’s degree).

Important Links

01 Official Website
02 Apply
03 Notification


04 Admit Card
05 Result

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