Kurukshetra University Job 2024: Apply Online for 54 Faculty Positions

Kurukshetra University Job 2024 Notification. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, invites online applications from eligible candidates to recruit 46 Assistant Professor, 4 Associate Professor, and 4 Professor positions across various subjects.

Kurukshetra University Job 2024: Important Dates

  • Publication of Advertisement: July 5, 2024
  • Application Start Date for Assistant Professor: 10.07.2024
  • Application Start Date for Associate Professor & Professors: 15.07.2024
  • Application Close Date: July 31, 2024

Kurukshetra University Job 2024: Application Process

All applications must be submitted online through the University’s official website, www.kuk.ac.in. Detailed instructions, eligibility qualifications, pay scales, and the online application link of Kurukshetra University Job 2024 will be available on the website starting July 10, 2024.

Kurukshetra University Job 2024: Application Fees

  • Unreserved Category: ₹2000
  • Female of Unreserved Category (Haryana State): ₹1000
  • SC/BC-A/BC-B/EWS (Haryana State): ₹500
  • Third Gender: ₹500
  • PwBD (Haryana State): No Charges

Fees are to be paid online via the link in the application form on the university portal, www.iums.kuk.ac.in.

Kurukshetra University Job 2024: Vacancy Details

Assistant Professor (Pay Scale: Academic Level-10 ₹57,700-1,82,400/- with entry pay of ₹57,700/-):

Subject Posts Categories Advt. No.
Ancient Indian History, Cultural & Archaeology 1 PwBD 1/2024
Biotechnology 1 Gen 2/2024
Botany 1 Gen 3/2024
Chemistry 1 Gen 4/2024
Commerce 2 Gen, BCB 5/2024, 6/2024
English 1 PwBD 7/2024
Economics 1 Gen 8/2024
English 1 SC 9/2024
Geography 1 Gen 10/2024
History 1 SC 11/2024
Home Science 2 SC, Gen 12/2024, 13/2024
Biotechnology 1 Gen 14/2024
Commerce 2 BCA, Gen 15/2024, 16/2024
Computer Science 2 SC, BCA 17/2024, 18/2024
Economics 1 Gen 19/2024
Environmental Science 1 SC 20/2024
Music 1 SC 21/2024
Panjabi 1 PwBD 22/2024
Philosophy 2 Gen 23/2024
Psychology 1 EWS 24/2024
Sanskrit 1 EWS 25/2024
Law 3 SC, Gen 26/2024, 27/2024
Mass Communication 2 SC, Gen 28/2024, 29/2024
Mathematics 1 BCA 30/2024
Philosophy 1 Gen 31/2024
Physics 4 Gen (ESM), PwBD, Gen 32/2024, 33/2024, and 34/2024
Political Science 1 SC 35/2024
Psychology 2 Gen, SC(ESM) 36/2024, 37/2024
Public Administration 1 PwBD 38/2024
Social Work 1 Gen 39/2024
Management 2 BCA, BCB 40/2024, 41/2024
Zoology 2 SC, Gen 42/2024, 43/2024
Total 46

Associate Professor (Pay Scale: Academic Level-13A with entry pay of ₹1,31,400/-):

Subject Posts Categories Advt. No.
Botany 1 EWS 44/2024
Library Science 1 Gen 45/2024
Public Administration 1 Gen 46/2024
Management 1 Gen (ESM) 47/2024
Total 4

Professor (Pay Scale: Academic Level-14 with entry pay of ₹1,44,200/-):

Subject Posts Categories Advt. No.
Commerce 1 PwBD 48/2024
History 1 Gen 49/2024
Mathematics 1 Gen 50/2024
Zoology 1 Gen 51/2024
Total 4

Kurukshetra University Job 2024: Eligibility Criteria

  • Assistant Professor: Master’s degree with 55% marks, cleared NET/SET/SLET or Ph.D.
  • Associate Professor: Ph.D., Master’s degree with 55% marks, 8 years of teaching/research experience.
  • Professor: Ph.D., 10 research publications, 10 years of teaching/research experience.

For detailed eligibility, pay scales, and other information on Kurukshetra University Job 2024, visit Kurukshetra University.

Kurukshetra University Job 2024: How to Apply

Submit your application online from 10.07.2024 (for Assistant Professors) and 15.07.2024 (for Associate Professors and Professors) to 31.07.2024. Ensure all information is complete and correct as per the prescribed format on the university website.

Kurukshetra University offers a vibrant academic environment and is committed to providing high-quality education. Apply now to be a part of this esteemed institution!

Kurukshetra University Job 2024: Important Instructions for Kurukshetra University Recruitment

  1. Official Website: Visit only the official website of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (www.kuk.ac.in). Beware of fake websites and job racketeers.
  2. Qualifications: Ensure you meet the minimum essential qualifications for each post before applying.
  3. Multiple Posts: When applying for multiple posts, specify your choices on the portal. Each post has a unique postcode.
  4. Academic Details: If your marks are in CGPA, provide a conversion formula to percentage from the competent authority. Without a formula, CGPA will be multiplied by 9 on a scale of 10.
  5. Merit Points: Merit points should be correct up to three decimal places without rounding.
  6. Payment Options: Various payment methods are available. Ensure the payment status is “success” within the due date to avoid cancellation of your application.
  7. Score Display: Candidate scores will be displayed on the recruitment portal dashboard. Report any discrepancies via email.
  8. Single Application: Submit only one application form per postcode. Multiple submissions will lead to rejection and possible legal action.
  9. Ph.D. Candidates (Pre-July 11, 2009): Submit a certificate from the Registrar/Dean for those who registered before July 11, 2009.
  10. Ph.D. Candidates (Post-July 11, 2009): Submit a certificate for compliance with UGC regulations from the Vice-Chancellor/Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Dean.
  11. Degrees from Certain Universities: Degrees from specified universities are ineligible unless accompanied by required certificates and verification.
  12. Marks/Weightage: For eligible candidates, marks/weightage/score depend on the provided certificates.
  13. Discipline Decisions: The University reserves the right to determine relevant disciplines during application review.
  14. Reserved Category: Reserved category candidates will be considered against the General category as per Haryana Government instructions.
  15. Reservation Benefit: Reservation benefits apply only to Haryana-domiciled candidates with valid certificates.
  16. Ex-Servicemen Benefits: Ex-Servicemen who haven’t availed re-employment benefits in government services can apply for reserved posts, with one dependent child eligible.
  17. ESM/DESM/DFF Candidates: Submit a certificate from the Zila Sainik Board confirming no re-employment benefit was availed by the parent.
  18. Reservation Instructions: Follow state government instructions for Ex-Servicemen and their children’s reservation benefits.
  19. Backward Class Reservation: Upload a certificate from the competent authority issued after 01/04/2024 stating non-inclusion in the creamy layer.
  20. Valid Email ID: Maintain a valid personal email ID for communication throughout the recruitment process.
  21. Mobile Number: Provide a valid mobile number for receiving SMS notifications.
  22. Contact Information: Avoid changing your mobile number/email ID during the process. The University isn’t responsible for the non-delivery of SMS/Email.
  23. Integrated Program Marks: Consider both graduation and post-graduation marks for integrated programs.
  24. Lateral Entry Programs: Final percentage marks from the awarding university will be considered for lateral entry programs.
  25. Teaching Posts: Visually impaired persons may not be considered for teaching posts in certain faculties due to the practical work involved.
  26. Eligibility Verification: Degrees or certificates from fake institutions aren’t eligible. No representation in this regard will be entertained.
  27. Qualification Determination: Eligibility is based on qualifications communicated by the last application date. No late certificates/documents will be accepted.
  28. Recognized Qualifications: All educational qualifications must be from recognized institutions, with the final result declared before the application deadline.
  29. Passing Date: The passing date is the one on the mark sheet or provisional certificate. A university certificate indicating the result date on the website is acceptable.
  30. Distance Education Degrees: Degrees obtained through open universities/distance education need recognition from the Distance Education Council, IGNOU.
  31. Category Change: No category changes are allowed after application submission. No correspondence will be entertained regarding this.
  32. Short-listing Status: The short-listing status will be available on applicant dashboards before the interview. The University’s decision on screening applications is final.
  33. No TA/DA: The University won’t pay for travel expenses for interviews.
  34. Proper Channel Application: Employed candidates must apply through the proper channels with a No Objection Certificate from their employer.
  35. Publications Proof: Upload the first page of all publications as proof. Bring hard copies to the interview.
  36. Journal Proof: Provide valid proof of peer-reviewed journal status, impact factor, and authorship claims.
  37. Information Authenticity: The applicant is responsible for the authenticity of the information uploaded for Kurukshetra University Job 2024.
  38. Correct Information: Avoid submitting fake or tampered information. Incorrect information will lead to cancellation and legal action.
  39. Eligibility Verification: The mere submission of the application doesn’t confirm eligibility. Eligibility is verified based on qualifications and advertisement terms.
  40. University Responsibility: The University isn’t responsible for applicant errors in the application. Eligibility conditions must be fulfilled by the last date.
  41. Credentials Verification: The University may verify credentials at any stage. Fake documents or suppressed information will lead to service termination.
  42. Selection Process Errors: The University reserves the right to modify or cancel communications if errors are detected in the selection process.
  43. Selection Criteria: Possession of qualifications doesn’t guarantee an interview call. The University’s decision is final.
  44. Canvassing Disqualification: Canvassing in any form disqualifies the candidature.
  45. Vacancy Filling: The University may not fill any advertised vacancies without assigning reasons.
  46. Updates and Notices: Recruitment process updates and notices of Kurukshetra University Job 2024 will be published on the University’s website only.
  47. RTI Act: Recruitment process information won’t be provided under the RTI Act during the process. Post-result information will be provided as per the conditions.
  48. Original Documents: Bring original documents for verification at the interview.
  49. Plagiarism Check: Research papers will be checked for plagiarism. Excessive plagiarism will lead to application rejection and legal action.
  50. NET/SLET/SET Requirements: NET/SLET/SET isn’t required for disciplines without these examinations.
  51. Relaxation for Reserved Categories: 5% relaxation is allowed at Bachelor’s and Master’s levels for reserved category candidates.
  52. Ph.D. Degree Holders: 5% relaxation is provided to Ph.D. holders who obtained their Master’s before September 19, 1991.
  53. Equivalent Grades: Equivalent grades of 55% at the Master’s level are considered valid.
  54. Teaching/Research Experience: Time taken for M.Phil./Ph.D. isn’t considered teaching/research experience. Active service with research counts as teaching experience.
  55. Post-Doctoral Experience: Post-doctoral research experience is considered after the Ph.D. award date.
  56. Teaching Experience: Teaching experience is counted from eligibility as Assistant Professor per UGC norms.
  57. Counting Past Services: Previous regular service in equivalent positions counts for direct recruitment and promotion under CAS.
  58. Minimum Applications: Selection Committee meetings require at least three eligible applicants per post.
  59. Jurisdiction: Recruitment disputes fall under Kurukshetra Court jurisdiction. Legal questions must be raised within 30 days of the result declaration.
  60. Proof of Experience: Provide proof of experience with Form No. 16 or a salary statement with a bank statement, certified by the employer.
  61. Application Submission: Submit a printed copy of the online application of Kurukshetra University Job 2024 with necessary attachments to the Deputy Registrar, Establishment (Teaching), Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra – 136 119 by the deadline via hand delivery, registered post, EMS, or courier.

Important Links

01 Official Website
02 Apply

(Link opens on 10/07/2024)

03 Notification
04 Admit Card
05 Result

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