Orissa Civil Court Recruitment 2024: Junior Clerk-Copyist, Junior Typist, and Salaried Amin

Orissa Civil Court Recruitment 2024: Overview

Orissa Civil Court Recruitment 2024
Orissa Civil Court Recruitment 2024

Orissa Civil Court Recruitment 2024 Notification. Applications are invited for the following Group-‘C’ posts in the Judgeship of Khurda under the Orissa District and Civil Courts’ Judicial Staff Services (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2008, and amendments made thereto. The positions available are Junior Clerk-Copyist, Junior Typist, and Salaried Amin, with pay scales as per the ORSP Rules, 2017.

Orissa Civil Court Recruitment 2024: Positions and Pay Scale

  • Junior Clerk-Copyist: Rs. 19,900/- to Rs. 63,200/- (Level-4 of Pay Matrix)
  • Junior Typist: Rs. 19,900/- to Rs. 63,200/- (Level-4 of Pay Matrix)
  • Salaried Amin: Rs. 21,700/- to Rs. 69,100/- (Level-5 of Pay Matrix)

Orissa Civil Court Recruitment 2024: Vacancy Details

Junior Clerk-cum-Copyist

  • UR: 5
  • UR(W): 3
  • SC: 2
  • SC(W): 1
  • ST: 5
  • ST(W): 2
  • Total: 18

Junior Typist

  • UR: 4
  • UR(W): 2
  • SC: 1
  • ST: 2
  • Total: 9

Salaried Amin

  • UR: 2
  • UR(W): 1
  • SC: 1
  • ST: 2
  • Total: 6

Note: Reservations for physically handicapped, ex-servicemen, and persons with disabilities will be considered as per the vacancies in the respective categories under the prescribed orders and rules.

Orissa Civil Court Recruitment 2024: Eligibility Criteria

Junior Clerk-Copyist and Junior Typist

  1. Must be a citizen of India.
  2. Minimum qualification: Passed +3 Examinations or equivalent from a recognized university.
  3. Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized institute.
  4. Age: 18–32 years as of August 1, 2024 (relaxations applicable as per rules).
  5. Proficiency in Odia (passed test equivalent to M.E. standard).
  6. Good character, sound health, a good physique, and no organic defects or bodily infirmity.
  7. You must not have more than one spouse living if you are married.
  8. No criminal antecedents.

For Salaried Amin

  1. Must be a citizen of India.
  2. Minimum qualification: passed the Matriculation Examination or equivalent.
  3. Passed Revenue Inspector training.
  4. Age: 18–32 years as of August 1, 2024 (relaxations applicable as per rules).
  5. Proficiency in Odia (passed test equivalent to M.E. standard).
  6. Good character, sound health, a good physique, and no organic defects or bodily infirmity.
  7. You must not have more than one spouse living if you are married.
  8. No criminal antecedents.

Application Process

Candidates must submit their applications in the prescribed format (“Form A”), duly filled and signed in their handwriting, and self-attested copies of required documents.

Orissa Civil Court Recruitment 2024: Required Documents

Junior Clerk-Copyist and Junior Typist

  1. Application in the prescribed format.
  2. Self-attested copies of certificates and mark sheets (H.S.C., +2, +3).
  3. Diploma in Computer Application certificate.
  4. Typewriting course completion certificate (for Junior Typist).
  5. Caste certificate (if applicable).
  6. Medical certificate for PwDs (if applicable).
  7. Employment Exchange Registration Certificate (if any).
  8. Two original character certificates.
  9. Three recent passport-size photographs.
  10. Sports Identity Card (if applicable).
  11. Previous service documents (for Ex-serviceman).
  12. Two self-addressed envelopes with postal stamps of Rs. 30/- each.
  13. Self-declaration regarding marital status and no criminal antecedents.

For Salaried Amin

  1. Application in the prescribed format.
  2. Self-attested copies of H.S.C. certificates and mark sheets.
  3. Revenue Inspector Training certificate.
  4. Caste certificate (if applicable).
  5. Medical certificate for PwDs (if applicable).
  6. Employment Exchange Registration Certificate (if any).
  7. Two original character certificates.
  8. Three recent passport-size photographs.
  9. Sports Identity Card (if applicable).
  10. Previous service documents (for Ex-serviceman).
  11. Two self-addressed envelopes with postal stamps of Rs. 30/- each.
  12. Self-declaration regarding marital status and no criminal antecedents.

Orissa Civil Court Recruitment 2024: Submission

Applications must reach “The Office of District Judge, Khurda at Bhubaneswar, Lewis Road, Bhubaneswar-751014” by 06.08.2024, 5:00 p.m., via registered post, speed post, or in person.


The authority reserves the right to shortlist candidates as per the rules. The decision of the District Recruitment Committee shall be final.

Important Links

01 Official Website
02 Apply physically in the prescribed format by post
03 Notification
04 Admit Card
05 Result

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