UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024
UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024

UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024: Seize the Opportunity!

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission. (UKPSC), Haridwar

Total Vacancy


Notification No.

A- E-3/ DR(APS)/ 2024

UKPSC Additional Private Secretary Exam 2024: Short Description

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission. (UKPSC) Haridwar

UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024 Notification. The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has announced the Additional Private Secretary (APS) Exam 2024. Candidates interested in the UKPSC APS vacancy can apply online from July 11, 2024, to August 7, 2024. For details regarding the age limit, qualifications, pay scale, and other information, please refer to the official advertisement before applying.

UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024: Important Dates and Application Fee

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission. (UKPSC) Haridwar

Application Begin 18/07/2024
Last Date for Apply Online 07/08/2024 up to 11.59 PM
Fee Payment Last date 07/08/2024
Correction date 12 to 21 August  2024 up to 11.59 PM
Admit Card To be notified later
Examination Date To be notified later
Application Fee
General/ OBC/ EWS ₹222.30/-
SC/ST ₹102.30/-
PH ₹22.30/-
Mode of Fee Application Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net banking, UPI mode only

UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024: Posts, Vacancy, Age Limit, Pay Scale, and Qualification Details

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission. (UKPSC) Haridwar

UKPSC Additional Private Secretary 


·         Bachelor’s degree in any stream from a recognized university in India.

·          Hindi Stenography at 80 WPM and Computer Hindi Typing at 8000 key depressions per hour.

·          English Stenography at 100 WPM and Computer English Typing at 9000 key depressions per hour.

·         Pay Scale – Rs. 47600-151100/-
·         Age Limit: 21 to 42 Years.
·         Age relaxation is extra as per norms.
·         Cut –off date for age calculation: 01/07/2024

UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024: How  to Apply

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission. (UKPSC) Haridwar

Procedures to Apply Online for UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024:

  1. Visit the UKPSC website at or and review the UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024 advertisement.
  2. After reviewing the advertisement, go to, click on the “How to Apply” link in the menu bar, and read the Advertisement Details, Important Dates, and Instructions for filling out the online application form. Then, click on “Apply Now.”
  3. Click on “Apply Now,” fill out the registration form with accurate information, create a password for login, and click “Submit.” Verify the basic information displayed, tick “I have verified all the details,” and click “Submit.” If changes are needed, click “No, I want to change some details” and edit as necessary before final submission.
  4. Upon successful primary registration, you will receive a confirmation message on your registered mobile number and email. Click on “Click here to log in.”
  5. Log in and fill out the Educational Details form. Review and tick the checkbox after verifying the required educational qualifications. Enter High School details, click “Add Education Details,” and repeat for Intermediate, Graduate, and other qualifications. Click “Continue” after filling in all the required information.
  6. Upload your photo and signature as per the specified guidelines. If re-uploading is necessary, tick the checkbox for re-uploading and proceed.
  7. After uploading, tick the declaration confirming the accuracy of the photo and signature, then click “Continue.” Review the completed form, ensure all details are correct, and make any necessary edits by clicking “Back & Edit.” Tick the declaration and click the final submission button. Print the application form for your records.
  8. If errors are found after the final submission, you can cancel your application and reapply. Click on “Cancel My Application,” follow the instructions, and complete the OTP verification to cancel. Note that once canceled, no appeals will be accepted.


  1. Before final submission, you can edit any errors by clicking “Back & Edit.” For technical issues, contact [email protected].
  2. After final submission, no modifications can be made to the application.
  3. After completing the registration, the mobile number cannot be edited.

UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024: General Instructions

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission. (UKPSC), Haridwar

Important Instructions for Candidates Regarding the UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024:

  1. The complete selection process will be conducted per the relevant service rules and existing guidelines.
  2. Rules and regulations are available on the UKPSC website,
  3. Examination details such as date, time, venue, and schedule will be provided online.
  4. Admission cards will be downloadable from the UKPSC website, not sent by post.
  5. For technical issues in downloading the admission card, candidates can contact the helpline email.
  6. Negative marking will be implemented in the UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024.
  7. Penalties for incorrect answers:
    • Four options per question; a fourth of the marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
    • Multiple answers will be treated as wrong, even if one is correct.
    • No marks are deducted for unanswered questions.
  8. Details regarding key objections will be published on the UKPSC website.
  9. The usage of calculators or any other electronic devices is prohibited.
  10. Verification of documents will be conducted if there are any discrepancies in the online application.
  11. Candidates must provide their answers personally during the exam.
  12. For the second stage of the exam, only marks and words will be written in the provided space.
  13. Government employees must inform their department before applying.
  14. Minimum qualifying marks are as per the 2022 exam rules and are required for listing.
  15. Final selection will be based on merit from both stages of the exam.
  16. Allocation to posts will be based on merit, educational qualifications, age, and service rules.
  17. Selection results will follow service rules and procedures.
  18. Candidates should ensure they fulfill all conditions before applying and appearing for the UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024.
  19. The UKPSC does not provide any guarantees for candidates’ eligibility.
  20. Ensure to meet all eligibility criteria for appearing in the exam.
  21. Applications must be complete and accurate; no changes are allowed post-submission.
  22. Providing false information can lead to disqualification and potential legal action.
  23. Consistent signatures are required on all documents; discrepancies may lead to disqualification.
  24. The high school certificate date of birth is final.
  25. Ineligible candidates will be disqualified without appeal.
  26. No electronic devices are allowed during the exam.
  27. Strict conduct rules during the exam; violations will be penalized.
  28. No unfair means or assistance will be tolerated; violations will result in severe consequences.

These points summarize the crucial instructions candidates need to follow to ensure compliance with the UKPSC Private Secretary Exam 2024 rules and procedures.

Important Links

01 Official Website
02 Apply
03 Notification
04 Admit Card
05 Result

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