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DSSSB Stenographer LDC Typist Recruitment 2023

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board, Delhi

Advertisement No:

05/2023 date: 22/12/2023

Total Vacancy:


Short Description:

DSSSB Stenographer LDC Typist Junior Assistant and Others Recruitment 2023

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board, Delhi

DSSSB Stenographer LDC Typist Recruitment 2023. DSSSB announces recruitment for 2354 positions including Junior Assistant, Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Assistant Grade I, and Stenographer. Interested candidates can apply for these roles, designated under Advertisement 05/2023, from January 9, 2024, to February 7, 2024. Before applying, carefully read the recruitment advertisement to understand eligibility criteria, age limits, selection procedures, syllabus, pay scales, and other essential details. Don’t miss out on this opportunity

Important Dates and Application Fee.

DSSSB Stenographer LDC Typist Recruitment 2023

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board, Delhi
Application Begin


Last Date for Apply Online


Fee Payment Last date


Admit Card

To be notified later

Examination Date

To be notified later

Application Fee

General/ OBC




Mode of Fee Application

Debit Card/ Credit card/ Net banking mode only.

Post, Age Limit, and Qualification Details

DSSSB Stenographer LDC Typist, Junior Assistant and Others Post Exam 2023

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board, Delhi



Vacancy/ Age


Junior Assistant

(₹19900- 63200)


(18- 27Year)

. 12th Pass from a recognized Board/ Institution.

. Typing speed 35 WPM in English OR 30 WPM in Hindi.

. For more detail please go through the notification.



(₹25500- 81100)


(18- 27Year)

. Completion of 12th grade or its equivalent under the 10+2 system from a recognized Board/University.

. Proficiency of 80 words per minute (w.p.m.) in shorthand and 40 words per minute (w.p.m.) in English typewriting.


. Proficiency of 80 words per minute (w.p.m.) in shorthand and 35 words per minute (w.p.m.) in Hindi typewriting.

Lower Division Clerk  cum Typist (English/Hindi)

(₹19900- 63200)


(18- 27Year)

. Completion of 12th class or an equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University.

. Typing speed requirement of 35 w.p.m in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi on a computer (35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. correspond to 10500 KDPH / 9000 KDPH with an average of 5 key depressions for each word).

Jr Steno-


(₹25500- 81100)


(18- 30Year)

. Direct recruits must have Senior Secondary certificates or an equivalent qualification from a recognized Board/University.

. Proficiency in shorthand and typing, with a minimum speed of 80 w.p.m. in shorthand and 40 w.p.m. in typing.

Asst. Grade-I

(₹19900- 63200)


(18- 27Year)

. Completion of Senior Secondary from a recognized Board or its equivalent.


. Successful completion of typewriting in English with a minimum speed of 35 words per minute or in Hindi with a minimum speed of 30 words per minute on a computer (35 words per minute and 30 words per minute correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH with an average of 5 key depressions for each word).


·         Please refer to the official notification to learn more about eligibility criteria.

·         Age relaxation is extra as per norms.

How to Apply:

DSSSB Stenographer LDC Typist Junior Assistant  and Others Recruitment 2023

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board, Delhi
1.       Ensure registration on DSSSB’s portal at (refer to Annexure-II for registration instructions). Registration is a one-time exercise; the generated user ID and password should be used for all DSSSB examinations. Multiple registrations will lead to cancellation and debarment.

2.       Apply online at from January 9, 2024, to February 7, 2024 (till 11:59 PM). After this, the link will be disabled.

3.       Carefully read the INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLYING ONLINE while filling out the Application Form.

4.       Submit applications through Online Mode only; no other mode will be accepted. Applications through post/hand/mail will be rejected.

5.       The submission window opens on 09/01/2024, and the closing date is 07/02/2024 (11:59 pm).

6.       To avoid a last-minute rush, submit applications well before the closing date. DSSSB is not responsible for issues preventing timely submission.

7.       Double-check all details before submitting the online application; changes/corrections/modifications will not be allowed post-submission. Candidates are responsible for accuracy, and no requests for changes will be entertained.

General Instructions:

1.       The Board conducts candidate selection based on user department-reported vacancies for various posts, with no role in determining the number of vacancies. Vacancy numbers may vary, and the Board is not liable for any consequential damage if user departments reduce or eliminate positions.

2.       Reservation policy implementation, maintaining reservation rosters, earmarking vacancies for categories, and identifying posts suitable for benchmark disabilities fall under user department responsibilities. The Board considers post suitability under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016, as per guidelines issued by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities or as identified by User Departments.

3.       DSSSB reserves the right to cancel or modify advertisements at any stage.

4.       Examination centers are in Delhi/NCR only.

5.        The Board can cancel or modify the examination process due to administrative reasons, unfair means, or irregularities. Changes in exam date, time, or center requests will not be accepted.

6.       In case of inadvertent errors in advertisement publication, the final result is based on Recruitment Rules, DoPT guidelines, Board website schemes, and prevailing GNCTD and GOI guidelines.

7.       The Board can change or amend the examination scheme before the exam if required.

8.       Candidate examination candidature is provisional and subject to court directions. Admit Card issuance or exam appearance does not guarantee a post-claim.

9.       Abbreviations: EWS-Economically Weaker Sections, ExSM-Ex-Serviceman, UR-Unreserved, SC-Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe, OBC-Other Backward Classes.

10.   Use of certain items, including calculators, laptops, mobile phones, etc., is prohibited in the examination center.

11.   Possession of prohibited items results in debarment from the exam and legal proceedings.

12.   Dress code: Light clothes with half sleeves, no big buttons, brooch/badge, or heels. Slippers or sandals are allowed; shoes are not.

13.   In case of discrepancies among English, Hindi, Urdu, and Punjabi versions, the English version is final.


Notification Admit Card


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