DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024
DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024

DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024:  Seize the Opportunity!

Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)

Human Resource Department (HRD)

Last Update: 11:30:51 PM, 11/11/2024

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Total Vacancy


Notification No.

PLR/GDMO (Contractual)/2024/10/03 Date:27/10/2024

DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024:  Short Description

Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)

DVC Medical Officer Recruitment 2024 Notification. Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), established in 1948, is dedicated to the holistic development of the Damodar Valley region, covering 24,235 square kilometers across Jharkhand and West Bengal. Headquartered in Kolkata, DVC’s main business activities include Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Mining, Water Resource Management, and Soil Conservation. Its core operations are integrated with CSR policies to drive long-term socio-economic growth in the valley. Committed to sustainably delivering reliable and competitively priced power, DVC leverages multiple energy sources and innovative, eco-friendly technologies, contributing to national development.

The engagement period is initially 1 year, with the possibility of extension for up to 2 additional years as needed.

Interested candidates may attend the walk-in INTERVIEW with certificates/testimonials per the details below.

DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024:  Important Dates

Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)

Application Begin 27/10/2024
Last Date to Apply Online 21/11/2024

DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024:  Posts, Vacancy, Age Limit, Pay Scale and Qualification Details

Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)

Post Vacancy Qualification
General Duty Medical Officer (Contractual)

(Salary: ₹83500/- per month)


An MBBS degree recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI) from an accredited Medical College or University, along with one year of experience as a medical practitioner post-internship.

Maximum Age Limit: 62 Years.

DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024:  Terms & Conditions for General Duty Medical Officer

Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)

Terms & Conditions for General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO)

1.       Age Limit: Maximum age with relaxation should not exceed 62 years on the interview date.

2.       Period of Engagement: Initial engagement is for 1 year, extendable for up to 2 additional years, subject to annual performance evaluation.

3.       Consolidated Pay: As per Table-A.

4.        Travel Allowance: Guided by the Corporation’s TA rules for official duties.

5.       Accommodation: Provided, if available, with deductions for license fees, electricity, and water charges. No HRA/FCA/Energy Allowance.

6.       Conveyance Allowance: As applicable to regular employees.

7.       Medical Facilities: Medical facilities in DVC Hospitals for the incumbent only, without reimbursement.

8.       Termination of Contract: One-month notice is required from either side.

9.       Leave 8 days’ Casual Leave, 2 days’ Restricted Holiday, and 10 days Commuted Leave (against medical certificate) per year. Maternity leave per Maternity Benefit Act 1961. No leave encashment.

10.   Selection Process: Walk-in-interview as per the specified schedule.

11.   Miscellaneous:

  • No Leave Travel Assistance (LTA) for contractual engagement.
  • Transferable to any DVC Project/Field Formation.
  • EPF as per Employees’ Provident Fund Act 1952.
  • No TA/DA for attending the interview. A medical fitness certificate is required upon joining.

DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024:  General Information and Instructions

Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)

General Information and Instructions

1.       Eligibility: Only Indian nationals can apply.

2.       Verification at Interview: Candidates must meet the eligibility criteria listed on the DVC website (www.dvc.gov.in). If found ineligible or if any false information is provided, the application may be canceled.

3.       Provisional Candidature: Selection is provisional, subject to eligibility compliance.

4.       DVC’s Rights: DVC reserves the right to cancel the notice, modify qualifications, and decide on shortlisting based on the number of applicants. All decisions by DVC are final.

5.       Temporary Engagement: The role is contractual and can be ended by either party with one month’s notice.

6.       No Regularization Claims: Contractual employment does not lead to a claim for permanent employment in DVC.

7.       Reservation and Relaxation: Applicable as per Government of India guidelines for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD/Ex-Servicemen candidates.

8.       Required Certificates: Candidates claiming reservation must submit attested copies of certificates as per GOI norms. EWS candidates need to provide an Income & Asset Certificate.

9.       Caste Certificates: SC/ST candidates need to provide caste certificates; OBC candidates (non-creamy layer) must submit a recent certificate.

10.   False Information: Candidature is subject to rejection if false information is detected at any stage.

11.   Final Decision: DVC’s decisions on eligibility, selection mode, and postings are final. No inquiries will be entertained. If any issues are found post-appointment, services can be terminated.

12.   Document Submission: All original documents, including experience certificates (if applicable), must be presented at the interview.

13.   Interview Schedule Flexibility: Interviews may be extended to the following day if necessary. Candidates should make their stay arrangements.

14.   Signature Consistency: All signatures must be consistent during verification. Inconsistent signatures may lead to rejection.

15.   Eligibility Confirmation: Eligibility will be confirmed post-document verification at the interview.

16.   Merit Tie Resolution: If scores are tied, candidates will be ranked by birth date (older candidates placed first).

17.   Website Updates: All updates will be available on the DVC website. Candidates are advised to check regularly.

18.   Canvassing: Any canvassing leads to disqualification.

19.   Document Retention: Only photocopies of documents will be retained, and records of unselected candidates will not be maintained.

20.   Interview Language: Candidates can attend the interview in Hindi or English.

DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024:  Mandatory Documents

Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)

Mandatory Documents to Bring at the Time of Walk-in-Interview:

1.       Application Form: Duly filled application format attached in Annexure-A.

2.       Proof of Date of Birth: Class 10th Board Certificate or School Leaving Certificate.

3.       Educational Certificates: Certificates of Class 10th and 12th.

4.       MBBS Certificate: MBBS Degree and semester-wise marksheets. (Note: MBBS degree must be registered with the Medical Council of India)

5.       Higher Qualification Proof: Proof of higher qualification, such as MD/MS (if any).

6.       Experience Certificates: Relevant experience certificates.

7.       Internship Completion Certificate: Certificate of internship completion.

8.       Registration Certificate: Valid registration certificate with a statutory council like MCI.

9.       Caste/Income Certificates: Valid SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/EWS/PwBD certificate as applicable for Government of India posts. (OBC/EWS certificates must not be older than one year from the interview date)

10.   NOC from Current Employer: No Objection Certificate if currently employed as a regular employee in a PSU/Central Govt./State Govt./Semi-Govt.

11.   Photographs: Four recent passport-size colored photographs.

12.   Photo Identity Proof: Any one photo ID proof (PAN card/Passport/Driving License/Voter ID/Aadhar Card).

13.   Proof of Name Change: Valid proof of name change (if applicable).

Additional Information:

  • Venue: 12th Floor, Dr. Meghnad Saha Auditorium, DVC Towers, VIP Road, Ultadanga, Kolkata-700054, West Bengal. (Nearest Railway Station: Bidhan Nagar)
  • Date: 21st November 2024 (Thursday).
  • Reporting Time: 10 AM to 1 PM. (Candidates reporting after 1 PM will not be entertained for the interview)
  • Helpline: 033-6607-2539/32/36 (Mon-Fri during official hours); Email: [email protected]

Note: All corrigenda and updates regarding interview date, venue, etc., will be available only on the DVC website. Visit www.dvc.gov.in (Careers->Recruitment Notices) regularly for updates.

FAQs: DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”1. What is the eligibility for DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024?” answer-0=”Candidates must have an MBBS degree with valid registration, along with relevant experience and required certificates.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”2. What is the interview date for DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer Job 2024?” answer-1=”The walk-in interview is scheduled for 21st November 2024, from 10 AM to 1 PM at DVC Towers, Kolkata.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”3. What documents are required for the DVC HRD GDMO Medical Officer interview?” answer-2=”Applicants need to bring original documents, self-attested photocopies, MBBS degree, experience certificates, and other relevant proof as per the notification.” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Links

01 Official Website
02 Apply
03 Notification
04 Result

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